INTEGIRLS is a global nonprofit organization that’s behind the math competitions and virtual puzzle hunts for girls and non-binary students affected by (trans)misogyny. Both are team-based competitions that encourage contestants to work together to solve difficult questions...
As CFO, I manage and monitor central finances & reimbursements, and send out prizes & awards. In addition, I help with sponsorships, and most recently, I helped INTEGIRLS secure $6500 from Jane Street.
INTEGIRLS Bay Area is the Bay Area branch of INTEGIRLS, that aims to bridge the gender gap in math by hosting biannual math competitions specifically for female & non-binary individuals, and various other events to foster a community for minorities in math...
As Vice President, I help manage the team and make key decisions to continuously improve our organization!
Superposition Granite Bay is a chapter of the global nonprofit, Superposition that I co-founded! In this club, we invite guest speakers to inspire and empower females interested in STEM fields...
In addition, we host annual mathalons to encourage younger females & non-binary individuals in STEM, and to carry on the goal of minimizing the gender gap in STEM!
Sierra Chinese School’s Math Olympiad is a program to help younger students develop a love for competition math.
I’ve taught both the 6th Grade class and the 8th Grade class, and I’ve taught over 50 students...
In addition to weekly lessons, I also grade the homework and host weekly study halls for homework help!